Authenticity Check

Counterfeit products are being sold everywhere in our market, how can you tell whether or not the product you had purchased was authentic or fake? How can you tell if the online shop is lying to you or not?

Those questions should not be a concern starting from now, because Branded Cambo Supply will teach you how to conduct an authenticity check step by step with just a few clicks. 

Step 1: Click on the image below





Step 2: Type in the CLG code 
(often located on the tag underneath your shirts or on the tag itself)


Step 3: Then click "AFTER PURCHASE"

Step 4: Select "ONLINE"

Step 5: When asked to enter retailer's website just click "SKIP"

Step 6: Sign in with your preferred method

Step 7: When asked to take a photo of the tag just click "SKIP"

Finally, if your product is authentic, it should pop up saying "AUTHENTIC", however if your product is fake then it should show "INVALID CODE"

If you have any difficulties checking your product please feel free to contact our team.